Your Therapy

Adult Therapy & Counselling

What is Adult Therapy Counselling?

At Your Therapy, we believe that people have an inherent resiliency, so we use an overriding strength-based approach in all forms of treatment. That means we focus primarily on your internal strengths and resourcefulness, rather than any perceived personal weaknesses, failures or shortcomings. People face different challenges at different points in their lives. Understanding how you coped with and overcame earlier difficulties helps us determine what will work best for you in the present situation. This reflection is a way to move forward, and continue build on strengths and skills you already have. Sometimes, in the midst of a difficulty, all we can focus on is that problem, and not our own inner strength and skills learned through the years.

For people facing mental heath challenges, there are numerous therapeutic options. In some cases, you might want to address a particular problem, such as anxiety, low mood or stress management. The focus may be on figuring out a way forward for you or on learning specific techniques for coping with—or avoiding—problem areas. Longer-term strategies can address a broader range of issues, based on the underlying principle that a person’s patterns of thinking and behaviour affect the way you interact with the world.

The goal is to help people better manage stresses, understand negative patterns that may interfere with personal objectives, have more satisfying relationships, and better regulate their thinking and emotional responses. Therapy may also focus on understanding and managing the effects of a specific illness or disorder. Your Therapy embraces a variety of proven therapeutic techniques to reach these goals

Adult Counselling

Types of Therapy Offered to Help Adults

Narrative Therapy aims to separate the individual from the problem by externalizing their issues. Life brings us many challenges, and often the negative, difficult or problem-saturated story of these challenges can take over your perspective. The simple, but accurate, theme of narrative therapy is: “The person is not the problem; the problem is the problem.” This approach helps you look at your challenge from a different perspective, and consider issues more objectively. This helps you address that challenge with a set of skills, a sense of purpose and the resiliency that have guided you in the past.

Attachment Therapy looks at the connection between a young child’s early attachment experiences with primary caregivers, usually with parents, and the child’s ability to develop normally and, ultimately, form healthy emotional and physical relationships as an adult. This process-oriented from of therapy aims to build or rebuild a trusting, supportive relationship that will prevent or treat anxiety, depression and other issues.

Emotionally Focussed Therapy is based on the premise that emotions are key to a person’s identity, and serve as a guide for individual choice and decision making. Building on attachment theory, the premise is that every person has love a attachment style (such as secure, insecure anxious, insecure avoidant, and so on) and these are played out in our relationships. Since human emotions are connected to human needs, activating and working through emotions can help people change.

Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a practical, short-term form of psychotherapy that helps develop skills and strategies for becoming—and staying—healthy. In CBT, clients learn to identify, question and change the thoughts, attitudes and beliefs related to the emotional and behavioural reactions that cause them difficulty. Over decades of research, CBT has been shown to be highly effective for treating a number of issues, especially anxiety and depression.

Take The First Step Of Your Therapy

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you

– Maya Angelou

The clinic will be closed from Dec 23 2024 - Jan 3 2025. There will be no intakes or administrative support during this time period. Your Therapy currently has a wait time of about 4-6 weeks. Daytime and virtual appointments may be accessed earlier. Connect with our dedicated therapists from the comfort of your own space. Day-Time In-Person Therapy: Join us during business hours for face-to-face sessions. Book your complimentary intake appointment.