Your Therapy

COVID-19—We Are in This Together


Useful Tips from Your Trusted Anxiety Therapy Professional in the GTA


Covid-19 Global PandemicWhile we hunker down in our homes to help flatten the curve of the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak, the feeling of isolation may be discomforting. But we are not alone, we are in this together. And together we will get through this. For many of us, the surge in social media updates has increased stress levels. It is normal to feel anxious during this time. However, you can overcome this sense of overwhelm and helplessness. Here are some tips to help you cope over the next while. If you would like to know more about anxiety therapy, I will be happy to answer your questions.

Maintain Physical and Emotional Well being during the COVID-19 Outbreak

Let’s take our focus away from the unprecedented nature of the current situation. Positive thoughts can help us to feel calmer. We know that globally, researchers are looking for treatments, front line medical staff are tending to the sick, and governments are doing what they can to aim for containment. Each of us also need to do our bit for social distancing. Remember, it is not just you and me, but many other individuals and families, who are also facing similar difficulties. Italy, a nation that is severely affected has come together to help each other manage their anxiety. This video of Italians signing in their windows and balconies is heart-warming and shows the perseverance of the human spirit in spite of adversity!

Here are 5 ways to manage anxiety and maintain a sense of physical and emotional wellbeing for you and your family.

  1.  Accept the ‘New Normal’ and Adapt: Yes, it’s true that routines have been disrupted, not just for you, but for your spouse, children, neighbours, friends, and everyone around you. Events, activities and entertainment that we are all used to, is now inaccessible. As social beings, it important to reach out and connect, so we have to improvise. We are now creating online social events, conducting virtual classes for everything from Math to Dance, having family reunions on Zoom and Skype, ordering food online to support our local restaurants, going for daily walks, spring cleaning our homes with more hands-on deck. All of this is engaging, productive and uplifting. Think about it as the ‘new normal’ for now. This is the first step towards managing your stress and anxiety.
  2. Establish a Routine: Keep to your original routine as much as possible. It will help you stay positive and productive. Think about the time you save in not having to dress up and go to work. You now have more free time in your day, and the company of your loved ones to enjoy it!
  • Try waking up at the same time as you did, and keep to your regular work hours as you would at your workplace.
  • Use the additional time that you would otherwise spend in traveling to work for:
  • Reading, meditating, practising yoga, or doing a light workout
  • Preparing meals for the day—you can get the kids to help too
  • Catching up with family members over a cup of your favorite beverage
  • Don’t hesitate to go for walks or bike ridesto remain active and feel refreshed. Avoid hugs or handshakes with other walkers, and practice the recommended social distancing norms.
  • Self-isolation does not mean a complete shutdown of interactions. Connect with friends, neighbours, or extended family by phone, email or other virtual ways. Staying in touch will also help you remember that you are not alone in this situation. In fact, you may even get useful tips on keeping the kids busy, ideas for a new recipe, inspiration to pursue a new hobby, and other strategies to cope.
  1. Consume Information in Moderation: While staying updated on the goings-on is important, try to consume COVID-19 related news in moderation. Fixating on the same topic for extended periods of time could increase anxiety levels and take an emotional toll on you, as well as your family.
  2. Take Care of Yourself: Amid all the added responsibilities of working from home, managing kids, and dealing with social distancing, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Eat well, stay hydrated, take daily medications on time, and continue accessing treatment for any existing conditions. (Many medical professionals are offering consultation over the phone; hence, you can avoid visiting clinics, except in an emergency).
  3. Stay Prepared: Besides practising social distancing norms, remember to take all the necessary precautions to avoid being infected by the Coronavirus. Sanitize or wash your hands properly, before you go out anywhere and when you are back inside. Watch this video from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention, for proper hand washing hygiene. Self-isolate, if you are sick or exhibiting any symptoms, including a minor cough, cold or sore throat. It’s important to be prepared but also remain calm and reassured that there is no need for panic buying. The more ready you are, the less stressed and anxious you will feel. For example, check whether you have:
  • Necessary supplies to keep your home clean.
  • There’s no shortage of food, so stockpiling is not necessary, but you can avoid frequent visits to the stores and by what you need for a few days at a time.
  • Mobile or Wi-Fi connectivity to continue working from home.
  • Entertainment at home, such as cable or subscription channels, books, games, or other such options.

Anxiety Therapy Can Help If You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

We can all help each other make the adjustments we need to stay healthy in mind and body. I use a combination of talk therapy suggestions for lifestyle adjustments and treat any underlying conditions to help restore your emotional and physical wellbeing. Know that I am here to help you.

If you can’t seem to shake off the feeling of worry or nervousness, seek timely help from professionals who can guide you toward calming practices. If your stress or anxiety is starting to interfere with things that are important to you, anxiety therapy can help.

Have more questions about managing anxiety or seeking therapy? Call me at 647-749-0447 or reach out to me online.

 Additional information to help manage your anxiety:

In addition to the resource above, check out the following:

  • Visit for information and self-management strategies for anxiety
  • Visit for plain language information on reducing the impact of coronavirus and the COVID-19 illness at home and in your community (this resource uses US examples)
The clinic will be closed from Dec 23 2024 - Jan 3 2025. There will be no intakes or administrative support during this time period. Your Therapy currently has a wait time of about 4-6 weeks. Daytime and virtual appointments may be accessed earlier. Connect with our dedicated therapists from the comfort of your own space. Day-Time In-Person Therapy: Join us during business hours for face-to-face sessions. Book your complimentary intake appointment.