Your Therapy


Understanding anxiety and treatments

It is normal to feel anxious from time to time, but how do you know if you are suffering from an anxiety disorder, meriting anxiety treatment? Facing a problem at work. Taking a test. Making an important decision. These are all normal concerns that understandably make us feel nervous, worried and anxious. But anxiety becomes a problem when you frequently have intense, excessive and persistent worries and fears about everyday situations. And it rises to the level of an anxiety disorder if these feelings are difficult to control, out of proportion with the actual threat and interfering with your everyday life. Anxiety disorders can be very disabling, taking a toll on your mental and physical heath. Symptoms of an anxiety disorder are wide ranging, but a few of the more common ones include: feeling restless, wound-up or on-edge; difficulty controlling feelings of worry; difficulty concentrating and irritability. And physical symptoms can include: trouble sleeping, muscle tension, sweating,  nausea and diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome. (For detailed information about the signs and symptoms of anxiety disorders, please see my previous blog on the topic:

Natural anxiety treatments

Fortunately, anxiety disorders are very treatable. A large body of research shows that the most effective treatment is the combination of an anxiety medication and talk therapy, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). That said, anxiety treatment will be different for each person, depending on the type of disorder, and other personal factors. There are also are some surprisingly simple natural remedies you can do at home, that are quite effective at treating mild to moderate anxiety. In addition, people undergoing treatment for serious anxiety also benefit from these same interventions. Believe it or not, one of simplest and most effective ways to relieve anxiety is spending time outdoors. Numerous studies have shown that nature has a positive effect on mental health (and physical health, too). Time spent in nature even changes your brain chemistry, reducing the stress hormone cortisol, and boosting endorphin levels and dopamine production, which promote well-being. And you don’t have to haul a canoe into the wild backcountry and forage for edible bugs like Survivorman — simply sitting in your backyard, on your deck or taking a walk to the park are just as good.

Anxiety and stress

Another way to reduce mild or moderate anxiety is by reducing the general level of stress in your life. As a busy working mom myself, I understand how this can seem impossible, when we feel bombarded by tasks and responsibilities. But the key is looking at the things in your life that contribute to stress and anxiety, and changing your thinking about them. Instead of thinking about what you have to get done, try to figure out what you can let go of, to decrease your stress.


The COVID-19 pandemic has been a time of intense stress. As well as the general sense of unease about health matters, parents are home-schooling, cooking and cleaning more, and trying to do their regular 9 to 5 work on top of it all. No one could do all of this at 100%. So try to let go of some of these impossible goals, by changing your perspective. For example, when it comes to education, you haven’t chosen “home-schooling” for some personal family reason. It’s been forced on you, through no fault of your own. And now you’re doing what you can to help your kids learn a few things while they’re home. No one expects you to do it all, so just try and accept that it’s OK to do some.

In fact, it’s extremely important to prioritize the mental health of your whole family over arbitrary goals like teaching algebra, washing the floor or painting the bathroom. Remember, the more anxious you are, the more anxious your kids will be. So take a break, and get the family out for a walk or go play in the snow for a little while.

These are small steps that can help ease mild to moderate anxiety. That said, many people will need more support. If you recognize the signs of a serious anxiety disorder in yourself or a loved one, it’s important to be assessed by family doctor or mental health professional. As I mentioned, anxiety is among the most treatable mental-health challenges. With a combination of medication and talk therapies, most people dealing with a serious anxiety disorder are able to resume a healthy and productive life.

YourTherapy is a provider of counselling and therapy, including anxiety therapy, in Toronto. Thanks for reading, and please feel free to reach out with questions about anxiety treatment or other mental health issues.



The COVID-19 pandemic has been a time of intense stress. As well as the general sense of unease about health matters, parents are home-schooling, cooking and cleaning more, and trying to do their regular 9 to 5 work on top of it all. No one could do all of this at 100%. So try to let go of some of these impossible goals, by changing your perspective. For example, when it comes to education, you haven’t chosen “home-schooling” for some personal family reason. It’s been forced on you, through no fault of your own. And now you’re doing what you can to help your kids learn a few things while they’re home. No one expects you to do it all, so just try and accept that it’s OK to do some.

In fact, it’s extremely important to prioritize the mental health of your whole family over arbitrary goals like teaching algebra, washing the floor or painting the bathroom. Remember, the more anxious you are, the more anxious your kids will be. So take a break, and get the family out for a walk or go play in the snow for a little while.

These are small steps that can help ease mild to moderate anxiety. That said, many people will need more support. If you recognize the signs of a serious anxiety disorder in yourself or a loved one, it’s important to be assessed by family doctor or mental health professional. As I mentioned, anxiety is among the most treatable mental-health challenges. With a combination of medication and talk therapies, most people dealing with a serious anxiety disorder are able to resume a healthy and productive life.

YourTherapy is a provider of counselling and therapy, including anxiety therapy, in Toronto. Thanks for reading, and please feel free to reach out with questions about anxiety treatment or other mental health issues.

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