Your Therapy

Chronic Illness Therapy & Counselling

Medical Illness Support

Decreased anxiety and depression

Few life experiences are as distressing as being diagnosed with a serious, acute or chronic illness—or having a loved one receive such a diagnosis. It’s normal to experience a flood of difficult and conflicting emotions. In fact, 30% of people with medical illnesses also have, or develop, a mental health concern. In addition, fully two-thirds of high medical users have mental health issues, most commonly, depression, anxiety and somatization. And the reverse is true, as well—people struggling with mental health often tend to be in poorer physical health.

Effects of Chronic Illness

Hearing a new and frightening diagnosis for yourself, a child, spouse, parent or other loved one can prompt a variety of emotional responses, including a sense of grief or loss, anxiety, hyper-vigilance and emotional exhaustion. It can also make you feel isolated or alone.
The disruption to your family routine from increased medical visits also makes life more complicated and stressful. And ironically, mental health issues can also arise from medical treatment itself, such as a reaction to powerful medicines.

In addition, the person diagnosed with a medical condition, and/or family and supporters, must take on challenging new roles. They may have to learn complex terminology, become a medical-system advocate and sometimes, a healthcare decision maker for children or patients not well enough to make their own choices. When caring for a sick child or loved one, you sometimes have to act as a nurse, pharmacist and counsellor, on top of your existing family roles

Living with a serious illness or disability can take a toll on the whole family. To use a light-hearted example, in the animated classic Finding Nemo, the young clownfish Nemo is disabled, which has led to a lifetime of being underestimated, while at the same time, his widowed father has become overprotective. Obviously life is not an animated movie. Yet this simple illustration shows how, without even realizing it, patients and loved ones can allow an illness or disability to constrain their choices and colour their daily lives.

Chronic Illness Treatment

When facing an illness, the myriad stressors start with simply understanding a complex diagnosis and its treatment. They can go on to include isolation, fear of the unknown, lack of control, changes in regular routine, work and career implications, financial challenges and, not surprisingly, exhaustion.

When you’re in this state, it can be hard to even think about anything else. Your whole world is taken over with a medical focus. But it doesn’t have to be this way. The work of therapy is to help restore balance and a sense of control to your life. You can learn to find small things that you can enjoy every day, and set realistic short-term goals for yourself. Therapy can help you bring alternate stories to the forefront of your experience—stories such as the resiliency and courage you’re demonstrating, as you work through a difficult period in your life.

Adult Therapy and Counselling

Hope for Individuals Dealing with Chronic Illness

General Support
Some days you may be tempted to pretend you never received your diagnosis. However, facing a diagnosis head-on is the best way to cope. The goal—and a very achievable one—is to remember that this medical issue is one aspect of your life, but not all of it. You can do this by working to remember the many other enriching parts of your life, and separating your own identity from the illness. In doing so, serious medical conditions become more manageable at a psychological level. And this contributes to a better quality of life for the patient, the caregiver and the whole family. 
Take The First Step Of Your Therapy

Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it

– Helen Keller

The clinic will be closed from Dec 23 2024 - Jan 3 2025. There will be no intakes or administrative support during this time period. Your Therapy currently has a wait time of about 4-6 weeks. Daytime and virtual appointments may be accessed earlier. Connect with our dedicated therapists from the comfort of your own space. Day-Time In-Person Therapy: Join us during business hours for face-to-face sessions. Book your complimentary intake appointment.